Award-winning program, The Improvaneer Method, is now in Maryland!

Join us for a class and let us show you what The Improvaneer Method is all about!

In these classes, individuals with Down syndrome use improvisation to build skills that improve social, workplace, and lifetime opportunities. Click here to see our upcoming events and classes.

What is The Improvaneer Method?…

A program that uses improvisation to build and improve skills that will greatly increase social and workplace opportunities in those with developmental disabilities.

What skills you ask? Well, some pretty crucial ones that help us in life.

Eye Contact. Voice Projection. Problem Solving. Adaption to Change. Listening. Focus. Quick Thinking. Creative Thinking. Character Development.

And let’s throw in a giant dose of SELF CONFIDENCE while we’re at it. Sounds pretty incredible, huh? Visit The Improvaneer Method’s website, here, to learn more.